Russian Federation
It has long been observed that tourism is a rapidly changing area of the economy. This applies to both types of tourism, and to tourist destinations. In this context, there is objective problem of reliable and comprehensive information support of tourists and travelers in relation to both the traditional tourism countries and new places. Based on the experience of majority of tourism advanced economies, we believe that geo-portal dedicated to the tourism can serve as such resource. It will have multifaceted importance. On the one hand, the geo-portal can visualize the research results of the territory´s tourism potential and to provide a basis for further scientific and educational works. On the other hand it gives the opportunity for tourists to understand the differences and peculiarities of destination, and for investors - to select promising areas for development. The author gives the example of the geo-portal for tourism created by him with the help of geographic information systems. One of the main distinguishing features of geo-portal is considerations of local differences, because every place has its own uniqueness. For the Republic of Armenia, country with a developing tourism sector, this resource will be useful and necessary. The mountainous terrain and the people living in this area for a long historical period are the main features of the tourism potential of the Republic of Armenia. Geo-portal will provide an opportunity to demonstrate not only a popular attractive tourist sites, but also other objects that may be of tourist interest. This will reduce the pressure on the several popular tourist destinations, as well as to develop tourism in the new parts of the country.
geo-portal, attractive sites, self-organized tourist, the Republic of Armenia
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