Samara, Russian Federation
Samara State Agricultural Academy (kafedra «Rastenievodstvo i zemledelie», professor)
p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
p.g.t. Ust'-Kinel'skiy, Samara, Russian Federation
Research objective is increasing the yield of barley varieties in the conditions of forest-steppe of the Middle Volga Region. Are the results of studies for 2014-2015 with the assessment of yield structure indicators, the dynamics of accumulation of dry matter, photosynthetic capacity and leaf area in different varieties of barley compared to pea for different backgrounds of mineral nutrition and processing of crops in different growth stimulants Avibit, Aminokat, Megamix N10 in the conditions of Middle Volga Region forest-steppe. In three-factor experience included two backgrounds of mineral fertilizers: no fertilizers, N45P45K45 (factor A), five barley varieties: Helios, Sonnet, Golden eagle, Hawk, and Bezenchukskaja 2 peas Flagship 12 (factor B), treatment of crops during vegetation is at tillering drugs: Avibit, Aminokat, Megamix N10 (factor C). The research identified that in all options the treatment of crops and application of fertilizers increase the performance of the photosynthetic activity and cause the greatest increase of all crops options for processing. Maximum yield over the study years provide barley varieties of Helios with the treatment of crops during vegetation drug Megamix N10 as fertilizer and N45P45K45 will be 2.43-2.90 t/ha.
barley, peas, yield, stimulant, photosynthetic, activity, fertilizer
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5. Karlov E. V. Comparative productivity of varieties of barley and peas when applying growth factors / E. V. Karlov , O. P. Kozhevnikova // Contributions of young scientists in agricultural science : check-mate international scientifically-practical Conference. – Kinel : CP SSAA, 2015. – P. 36-43.
6. Kiselyova, L. V. Comparative productivity of forage zernosenažnyh at different levels of mineral nutrition / L. V. Kiseleva, E. O. Trofimova, A. G. Kotruhov // Scientific agriculture : scientific papers. – Samara : CP SSAA, 2014. – P. 110-115.