Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is comparative evaluation of meat efficiency Black and Motley bull-calves breed and its hybrids with Aberdeen Angus and Limousines. Scientific and economic experience I was held in SEC by Kirov Dyurtyulinsky District Republic of Bashkortostan. For the research it was formed 3 groups of 15 steers heads each. Group I was consisted of purebred bull calves of Black-motley breed in II – the Half-Blood crossbred Aberdeen Angus x Black-and-white, in the III – the Half-Blood crossbred bulls Limo´s Black-and-white. Bulls to 6 months of age were grown by hand-watering of milk, and then they were in the feedlot. To study the meat quality assessment and steers by effectively feed conversion in essential nutrients meat products held con-controlling slaughter 3 animals in each group according to the experimental scheme of 15 and 18 months. The results of the slaughter of calves suggest that age increases the mass of the carcass, the internal fat of raw and slaughter yield of animals of all groups. Increased steam carcass weight at 18 months of age compared to 15 months in animals in group I was 43.1 kg (20.2%), II – 46.7 kg (20.4%) and Group III – 55.0 kg (23.5%). At the same time supply growth rate carcasses crossbred bulls II and III groups were superior to purebred steers to 18.2 kg (7.1%) and 32.0 kg (12.5%). At 15 months of age protein conversion rate ranged from 7.46 to 7.95%, energy – from 3.62 to 3.93% in 18 months – respectively, from 7.32 to 7.86%, and 4.17 to 4.64%. At the same time the best trans-formation of the protein in the meat products had cigarette butts all groups in the 15 months of age. Crossbred young groups II and III of this indicator exceeded peer group I in 15 months at 0.49 and 0.38%.

bulls, hybrids, conversion, protein, Black-and-white, Aberdeen-Angus, Limousin

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