Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The process of formation of representative bodies in the regions of the Russian Federation, provided by the Russian legislation, is considered. The analysis of the influence of the federal authorities on the formation of regional parliaments is presented. The restrictions of the real possibilities of regional parliaments to influence the political process in the space of their regions are analyzed, as well as their great dependence on the executive branch. The practices of regional parliaments of the Russian Federation are studied. The change in the structure of regional government legislation, including regional parliaments, based on the author´s analysis of changes, amendments to the Federal Law «On general principles of organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation» is examined. It is proved that the regional parliaments have greater possibilities to structure and intensify the political space of the subjects of the Russian Federation, in the organization of social life, increasing the responsibility of the entire system of public administration. Some recommendations for improving the formation of regional parliaments in Russia are given.

regional parliament, legislative process, deputies

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