The realization of the conception of e-government in Russia is designed to raise the efficiency of public administration. The role of e-government services was evaluated for the small and medium business, and the problems of this method of cooperation were also studied. The methodological basis of the research is the comprehensive approach and the statistical methods of analysis. Special attention is given to identifying the factors which affect the choice of electronic mode of cooperation. There are some conclusions. Subjective factors influence the choice of mode of electronic cooperation very much, so the measures of popularization of e-government services are needed. In addition there is the use of individual elements of e-government that significantly reduces the cost for public services. The essential problem is to use the services of the intermediary organizations.The results of the analysis can assist to the improvement of the effectiveness of realization of e-government conception in Russia.
information and communication technologies, small business, e-government, e-government services, business environment
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