Among the instruments of pension system regulation (record of service, earnings, contributions, privileges), the legislatively regulated parameter “retirement age” occupies a special place. Now we observe the process of “aging of the population” because of the general increase in life expectancy on the one hand, and the growth of the total number of pensioners, on the other. At the same time, the tendency of increase in expenses on financing the state pension obligations remains. However, even on the basis of the specified facts identification of aging of the population with the budgetary crisis and the establishing of a rigid connection between the pension budget expenses and the growth of the number of pensioners and the general aging of the population looks more or less convincing only at first sight. The scientifically-based solution of the retirement age problem lies not in the course of receiving a tactical — economic — result (saving of budget expenses), but in achieving of strategic objectives of the insurance pension reform: providing of the constitutional guarantees on adequacy of the pension rights of the insured persons and the state pension obligations.
insured persons, insurance pension, pension rights, state pension obligations, pension reform, demographic crisis, budgetary crisis, the budget of PFR.
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