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Abstract (English):
The techniques of additive shaping develop intensively during the last 20-30 years. Their application in mechanical engineering allow reducing considerably the duration of technological preparation for new produce manufacturing, using fundamentally new design-technological solutions, reducing finally labour-intensiveness and cost price of significant domestic defense produce manufacturing. In the paper there is shown a comparative characteristic of common and additive technologies of one purposeful destination, their advantages and disadvantages are emphasized. The problem of technical and economic assessment for the introduction of the techniques of additive shaping at an enterprise of mechanical engineering is considered. The relevance of such techniques in aerospace engineering production is emphasized, particularly under conditions of experimental production when the reduction of the cycle duration in engineering and design preparation of manufacturing is a decisive factor. The urgency of the development of integrated techniques which will ensure the further increase of technical and economic characteristics of production at the expense of the realization of advantages of both subtractive methods and additive ones affecting the material and connected with this of synergetic effects is substantiated.

additive shaping, technical and economic substantiation.
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