Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of work on identification and registration of complications of medicinal therapy in medical institutions of the Irkutsk region showed that the frequency of undesirable medicinal reactions at inpatients is more senior than 60 years makes from 10 % to 25 %. At advanced age the special place is taken by dysfunction of a digestive tract and allergic reactions at purpose of cardiovascular medicines, and also antibacterial and the antiglaucomous medicines. The number of cases of absence of therapeutic effect of PM in this age group made 18,9 %, reactions from the digestive tract – 15,5 % of cases, thus in 6,5 % pseudomembranous colitis was registered. It is established that risk factors of emergency of such reaction were the background pain or depressive syndrome, accompanying application of more than three drugs and absence of the scheme of a titration of dosages.

safety monitoring, medicine, undesirable collateral reaction

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