Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Intensity and composition of traffic flow have been studied based on the field studies data in controlled intersection areas of Republic Avenue - Bogenbai Batyr Avenue and Republic Avenue - Kenesary Street. This revealed that 2,000 vehicles on average travel through these intersections, i.e. traffic conditions in these areas are difficult. Cars account for major share of traffic moving along Republic Avenue which make around 94-96%. In order to study ecological condition of roadside hedgerows on Republic Avenue ecological and landscape inventory of green planting have been performed with the establishment of species, age, number of trees, shrubs, flower beds and lawn vegetation. This revealed that the total number of trees along the Republic Avenue is 1,176 pieces. The total lawn area is 28,966 square meters and the total are of flower beds is 1,026 square meters. In particular areas along the road there is oppression of trees, shrubs and lawn vegetation.

traffic, inventory, trees, shrubs, hedges, lawns, flower beds

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