Habarovsk, Russian Federation
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
This paper considers anomalies in the magnetotelluric field in the Pc3 range of geomagnetic pulsations. We report experimental data on Pc3 field recordings which show negative (from Earth’s surface to air) energy fluxes Sz<0 and reflection coefficients |Q|>1. Using the model of inhomogeneous plane wave (Chetaev’s model), we try to analytically interpret anomalies of energy fluxes. We present two three-layer models with both electric and magnetic modes satisfying the condition |Qh|>1. Here we discuss a possibility of explaining observable effects by the resonance interaction between inhomogeneous plane waves and layered media.
Magnetotelluric sounding, geomagnetic pulsations, impedances of layered media, mathematical experiment
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