Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article, the author discusses the concept of professional development and staff training in the sphere of tourism, the basic form of professional development of staff and such forms of advanced training of employees of tourism enterprises as a short-term training, self-study, internship. The staff of enterprises of the tourism industry has a role in the conduct of competition, ensuring the existence and success of the enterprise. Therefore, they should pay so much attention to the level of professional training that is one of the most important factors in ensuring the competitiveness of the tourism enterprises in the market. Especially in the current context of rapid aging of theoretical knowledge, abilities and skills, they require the need for lifelong learning and continuous staff development. In addition, the article analyzes the practice and training of tourism in higher educational institutions of Tajikistan. The author examines the levels, models, some of the problems of the new program standards in various areas of tourist-excursion activity in the Republic of Tajikistan. The author substantiates the necessity of priority tourism development of education system in various areas of tourist and excursion activities, the increase of its role in the modernization of the tourism industry, the introduction of new areas of training “Tourism”, which requires the development of state standards of tourism education, theoretical justification approaches to the selection and structuring of its content and software and methodological support of educational process in higher educational institutions of different levels of accreditation. The purpose of the article is to identify and disclose the content of the professional development of personnel of the enterprises of the tourism industry and to study the requests of tourism practices and problems of training specialists in various areas of tourist-excursion activity in the Republic of Tajikistan.

tourism, tourist-excursion activity, training program, professionals, tourism industry, education, training, space, culture

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