The article is devoted to improving the lecture methods of the discipline «Methods of scientific research in tourism» for bachelors of the direction «Tourism». According to the requirements of Federal state educational standard the bachelor student must prepare for several types of activities that are in demand in the profession, including research. The study of such subjects as «Methods of scientific research in tourism» plays a special role. The discipline acquaints students with the possible directions and forms of scientific research in the field of tourism, the methodology of scientific research. In the framework of the lessons, they clarify the requirements for registration of results of scientific research. Changes in the content of competencies that the graduate must possess require and update pedagogical approaches to the learning process. The theoretical material of the course «research Methods in tourism» that is difficult to understand, is advisable to be applied in various forms of traditional and interactive classroom teaching,, such as lecture-debate, lecture-discussion. They should pay special attention to the methods and principles of collecting scientific information. Material on the methods of scientific cognition that is difficult for perception and learning, is necessary to be extended and consolidated in practical classes (seminars) that can have an independent subject or be a continuation of the lecture course and aim to consolidate already known material. In General, methods of classes at the higher school in the framework of the discipline «Methods of scientific research in tourism» focuses on fulfilling the objectives of the Federal state educational standard, that involves the development of new forms and methods of classroom work.
scientific research, methods, tourism, methods of teaching, lecture, seminar
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