Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article studies the main ideas of constructivist pedagogy and their influence on contemporary culture. The attention is focused on such issues as methodology of the learning process in pedagogy of constructivism. This problem is examined in the context of modern education. The author studies the links of pedagogy and constructivism with philosophical constructivist concepts (P. Watzlawick, H. Maturana and F. Varela). The author examines the positive and negative aspects of the constructivist methodology in the sphere of modern pedagogy. The analysis of constructivist pedagogy shows the semantic content of such principles of constructivism, as the specificity of the learning process as a process of constructing meanings, and problem-based learning, communicative approach to learning. Based on this, the study focuses on the understanding of the interaction of teacher and student in the learning process. The author pays special attention to the fact that according to the constructivist pedagogy the main subject of the process of education is not a teacher, but a pupil. This idea significantly transforms classical model of hierarchical learning. Thanks to the constructivist methodology, the author describes effective teaching methods in contemporary culture. It is noted that important components of the learning process in constructivism is the formation of motivation of the student, as well as a relaxed and creative approach to the learning process of the teacher. The author highlights a problem such as understanding learning as complex process of social interaction of a teacher and a pupil. This process forms value meanings tailored to the specific situations faced by the student. As necessary components of constructivist models of teaching the author highlights the practical orientation of the learning process, and changing requirements for teacher, which is understood in constructivist pedagogy not as much a mentor, but as a moderator of the learning process.

education, constructivism, postmodernism, teacher, training

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