Currently auto-tourism (caravanning) is becoming increasingly popular. The main component of the caravanning industry is camping. The reasons for the increase in the popularity of camping are changing needs of tourists. Today, tourists change the traditional “passive” means of recreation for active and independent traveling. New technologies and trends, as well as the high competitive environment have allowed campsites to adapt to the needs of the market and implement tourism product in the form of specially equipped tourist areas with a huge number of services. Camping combines the comfort, security of residence based on modern quality standards, providing, thus, a low base rate. Camping combines a combination of different types of services: leisure and accommodation, availability of showers and toilets, point of waste disposal, individual connection to electricity and water, gastronomic services etc. This all adds up to a number of competitive advantages over “passive” activities. The very important point when studying and developing this trend in tourism is the question of the existence of certain requirements. There is a system of classification like system of classification of hotels and other accommodation facilities. Studying the experience of foreign countries, the authors conclude that the development of camping tourism in Russia will have a positive impact on increasing numbers of tourists, on the development of inbound and domestic tourism. In the current economic and political situation it is necessary. The authors raise the question of the relevance and necessity of development of camping tourism in Russia. They offer one of the most effective ways to improve attention and interest in this issue and the way to demonstrate the zonal structure of the camping site that meets all existing international standards and norms.
camping, caravanning, camping-tourism, amateur tourism, the camping industry
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