Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work shows the importance of rational and efficient assessment of control and supervision in health care for society as a whole and for its individual members. Health care is part of the system that shapes the quality of life of the population, influences the development of human potential, economic performance, on the adoption and diffusion of innovations in Russia. Control and supervision in public administration reform received much attention. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation has developed a methodology for assessing and comparing the activities of Supervisory authorities. However, there is a need for not only implementation of the standardized approach in assessing but taking into account the specific features of activity of Supervisory authorities. The article presents the system of socially significant indicators for assessing the activities of Roszdravnadzor and its territorial offices in the RF entities. Currently the authority spends a lot of tests (about 10 thousand per year), however, the effectiveness of control and supervision is low. The health of the population remains low, satisfaction with public health services is reduced. Researching foreign experience of health systems development in countries with socially oriented economy allows to draw a conclusion about the necessity of building a qualitatively new assessment system of control and supervision, which should be based on the interests of society. The author proposes to depart from the principle of "check for validation" and change over to socially significant indicators for the government activities. The article highlights such indicators for healthcare and proposes their decomposition for fractional quantitative and qualitative assessment of activities. This system of indicators is aimed at improving the efficiency of public health care management and growth of the citizens’ health and their quality of life in a whole. The work is performed in as part of research of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation by order of the Government of the Russian Federation.

control and supervision in healthcare, public significant indicators, assessment of control and supervision authorities, efficiency and effectiveness of public administration bodies

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