Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Shatura, Moscow, Russian Federation
A domestic plant for additive techniques of different materials fritting is presented. The plant in its basis has a high-powered (up to 2.5 kW) waveguide CO2 – laser possessing a unique in the uniformity of emission power density distribution on a target. The results of nickel-based heat-resistant alloy fritting of TCNA-1VR, VZhL12U and VZh159 types developed for manufacturing complex contoured parts of gas turbine engines (GTE) by a method of layered laser alloying and for complex contoured parts GTE repair by a method of gas powder laser surfacing are shown. During laser remelting of these powders it is possible to grow a billet with a homogeneous fine-grain structure which manufacturing is impossible at common techniques of casting.
additive techniques, technological complex, metal powders, metallographic analysis.
1. Pancheko, V.Ya., Vasiltsov, V.V., Grezev, А.N., Ga-lushkin, М.G., Yegorov, E.N., Ilichyov, I.N., Misyurov, А.I., Pavlov, М.N., Soloviyov, А.V. Laser metal powder fritting for manufacturing engineering parts with gradient properties // Welding Engineering. ‒ 2011. № 12. ‒ pp. 10‒14.
2. Yevseyev, А.V., Novikov, М.М., Panchenko, V.Ya., Niziyev, V.G., Vasiltsov, V.V. Laser Techniques of Quick Prototyping and Direct Fabrication of 3D Objects. Laser Techniques of Material Processing: Modern Problems of Fundamental Researches and Applied Developments / under the editorship of Acad. V.Ya. Panchenko. М.: FIZMATLIT, 2009. ‒ pp. 664. – ISBN 078-5-9221-1023-5. pp. 333‒397.
3. Vasiltsov, V.V., Galushkin, М.G., Ilichyov, I.N., Misyurov, А.I., Panchenko, V.Ya. Layered laser surfacing of metal powders: analytical theory and experiment // Bulletin of Bauman STU of Moscow. ‒ 2012. № 5. ‒ pp. 69‒77.
4. Panchenko V.Ya., Vasiltsov V.V., Galushkin M.G., Ilichev I.N., Misyurov A.I. Main Thermophysical Processes in Laser Beam Build Welding of Metal Powders// ISS№2075-1133, Inorganic Materials: Applied Research. 2014, Vol.5, № 3. pp.199-203. Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2014.
5. Panchenko, V.Ya., Alexandrov V.О., Vasiltsov, V.V., Galushkin, М.G., Yegorov, E.N., Soloviyov, А.V., Ilichyov, I.N., Lebedev, F.V., Niziyev, V.G. Development of Equipment and Techniques for Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Modern Laser-Information Techniques: collective monograph under the editorship of Acad. V.Ya. Panchenko and Prof. F.V. Lebedev. М.: Intercontact Science, 2015. 959 с. pp. 324-348.
6. Pat. N 2410810 to application N 200814949496. Alexandrov V.О., Vasiltsov V.V., Panchenko V.Ya. Sputter-ion multichannel laser with diffusion cooling of working mixture, priority 15.12.2008, registered 27.01.2011. Period of validity 15.12.2028.