Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Counteracting corruption is one of strategic objectives for cooperation among states of the Eurasian region, the objective thereof is of significant impact on the process of interstate integration. The dynamics thereof determines the status and the solution of a number of tasks of both theoretical and practical nature, and, inter alia, most importantly, understanding of new challenges posed by corruption which is currently facing practically all countries of the Eurasian region, as well as search for adequate responses to said challenges. The analysis of contemporary transformations relating to corruption led the author to make the conclusion of the necessity to develop not only new tactical solutions, but also qualitatively new approaches to counteract corruption. The author is drawing the attention to the problem as closely interrelated with the law and order, thus leaving no room for corruption practices. Such attitude enables to substantially perfect the strategies and tactics employed to combat corruption nationally and internationally, and also outlines new targets in decision-making processes at the state level. It is in this connection that the author looks into the already known legal mechanisms employed to counteract corruption — anti-corruption legislation, law enforcement issues, legal education, as well as contemporary legal technologies employed to combat this social phenomenon such as anticorruption expertize of the normative legal acts, legal monitoring, etc. It also emphasizes the importance of the processes relating to Eurasian integration for making states more active in counter corruption activities. The author calls for unification of legal decisions adopted by states and suggests new ways for further cooperation among the states of the Eurasian region.

anti-corruption expertise, anti-corruption behavior, anti-corruption standards, the Eurasian integration, legislation, compliance, corrupt practices, corruption, monitoring, legal education, law and order, law enforcement, justice, social control.

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