The article discusses the features and prospects relating to the development of technology of “electronic government” due to the use of electronic information systems and the introduction of scientific and practical turnover category “standard-setting action”. Events are interpreted as the expression of functional external relations of the subjects of the right to information through the use of the code which reflects the algorithm acts of such entities as the digital code of fixed length, which carries the regulatory information, reflecting more or less similar to the original legally significant situation. Based on the need for uniform accounting standards in judicial practice, it is important to optimize the use of such information in order to improve the efficiency of anti-corruption court. This state can promote the computer evaluation of the quality of the developed judicial act (judgment, ruling), connected with the development and creation of a comprehensive quality management system of judicial decisions based on the use of modern software and hardware. Integrated quality management system in judicial decisions should be composed of at least two groups of models: the first is to describe the boundary condition for the existence of society, and the second — human activity. This first group of models should be attributed to the number of basic and human activity unit must be built on the basis of established legal limits. This involves consideration of the process of preparation of the judicial act (decision, judgment) on the basis of the synthesis of the legal needs of society and the state with the parameters of human rights and freedoms.
electronic government, control over the implementation of state turn-order, standard-setting action, a comprehensive system of quality of judicial decisions.
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