Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article notes that the Eurasian group on combating money laundering and financing of terrorism (EAG) is the largest of the regional FATF-type bodies (Group of development of financial measures for combating money laundering — Financial Action Task Force, FATF) from the point of view of the entire area and population of member States and it covers such countries as Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Observer status in the EAG has been granted to 16 States and 14 international and regional organizations. The key task of the EAG is to assist the regional States in the creation and development of national systems to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism. The implementation of this task is conducive to the economic security and stability of the region, it also prevents the threat of international terrorism and helps to increase investment attractiveness of the region. Republic of Kazakhstan, as a young member of the international community, in the beginning of its career was sympathetic to the recommendations and requirements of the world community to conform its domestic legislation to the norms and provisions of international law. Naturally, it was a time consuming process but today we can safely say that, overall, domestic law and criminal legislation of Kazakhstan, in particular the General principles, are consistent with international standards in this area. It propounds that Republic of Kazakhstan as a responsible member of the international community, it consistently seeks to implement the recommendations and provisions of international legal norms, and today the domestic law of Kazakhstan on countering the legalization of illegal income is in full compliance with the world standards.

Republic of Kazakhstan, anti-corruption, anti-corruption measures, regulation of liability, laundering (legalization) of the proceeds of corruption.

1. Dzhekebaev W. S. Basic Principles of Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2001.

2. Antikorruptsionnye reformy v Kazakhstane. Tretiy raund monitoringa Stambul´skogo plana deystviy po bor´be protiv korruptsii. Otchet o monitoringe utverzhden na plenarnom zasedanii Stambul´skogo plana deystviy 10 oktyabrya 2014 g. v shtab-kvartire OESR v Parizhe.

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