This paper is concerned with the role of the UNIDROIT Principles in the processes of legal globalization. The central argument is that this non-State codification does not have a legal binding nature, but this document which covers the rules of conduct and dispute settlement, no doubt, contributed to the acceleration of globalization of world trade. It analyses the revision of the UNIDROIT Principles since 1994 to the current version of 2010 and from the stand point of strengthening of the general approaches in legal regulation and extension of the scope of their application. The UNIDROIT Principles may have impact on the reform of the national legislation of various countries, thus, facilitating the process of harmonization of Contract Law. At the same time it is noted that many of the provisions of the national legislation, and, in particular, the German Civil Code, may serve as the basis for progressive development of the mentioned non-state codification. This set of unified rules may be used as an instrument for the interpretation of the terms enshrined in international commercial contracts.
legal globalization, soft law, «overriding» provisions, set of rules.
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