The currently ongoing information revolution has become one of the most significant perquisites for the formation of a new legal order — “new realities”, characterized by the formation of “electronic state“. The challenges of this “new reality” make search for science-based solutions ever more topical, including the means and methods and technologies for legal regulation with regard to public relationships. An attempt to look for said mechanisms was undertaken by the participants of the XI International School for young scholars — jurists “Effective law enforcement: doctrine and practice”. It was held at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation on May 27, 2016. One of the sections of said School was dedicated to “Law enforcement in the light of formation of electronic state“. The article contains summary of the discussions and the outcomes.
information society, information law, information technologies, crypto currency, law enforcement, electronic democracy, electronic state, electronic government, electronic justice, electronic parliament.
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