There were 105 patients with shoulder replacement under our supervision (terms of supervision were up to 10 years). There were 43 men and 62 women. Age of patients was from 29 to 80 years. Two ways of optimization of shoulder replacement are offered: “Method of preoperative determination of the sizes of a head of shoulder joint endoprosthesis” (Patent of the Russian Federation N 2469670 d.d. 12.20.2012) and “Method for intraoperative navigation of a shoulder stem of joint” (Patent of the Russian Federation N 2467725 d.d. 11.27.2012). We reached the improvement of quality of the operation due to the fact of an installation of the implants which are as much as possible close to the anatomy of a normal shoulder joint by size and position.
endoprosthesis replacement, shoulder joint, planning, navigation
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