Rubrics: REVIEW
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Urinary tract infections are one of the most common inflammatory disorders of urinary tract that occurs in 40 % of all cases of nosocomial infections. This pathology more often occurs in women, 50 % of them have urinary tract infection at least once in a lifetime. Urinary tract infections are chronic, pluricausal and frequently recurrent diseases. During many decades E. coli was considered to be main pathogenetic flora plated from urine at the urinary tract. Statistically Proteus mirabilis is ranked number two in the degree of incidence. At the moment the researches pay closer attention to Candida pathogens. Urinary tract infections appear in consequence of ingress of microorganisms in urinoexcretory system by ascending, hematogenic and lymphogenic ways. Culture-based, microbiologic study of urine with pathogen isolation and estimation of the bacteriuria degree is the gold standard of diagnostics of urinary tract infections.

urinary tract infections, etiology , epidemiology, diagnosis

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