Habarovsk, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
A special attention is paid to thyroid gland functioning during pregnancy. It is explained by the fact that pregnancy is a powerful factor which can lead to a manifestation of diseases of the thyroid gland. Cells of the thyroid gland are capable to acquire iodine from food and to synthesize the thyroid hormones participating in all exchange processes both of a pregnant woman and the fetus. For the purpose of studying the features of functioning of the thyroid gland and a number of metabolic processes from ecological positions (in the conditions of city and rural areas) and terms of gestation, 945 pregnant women of the Amur region were examined. Insufficiency of iodine in blood at 95.3% of inhabitants of the city area and at 98.7% of women of rural areas was revealed. It was mainly very severely expressed (47.9 and 55.5%, respectively). Taking into account these data, the assessment of a functional state of the thyroid status was done. Some indicators of lipid profile and carbohydrate ranges were defined. Disturbance of functional activity of mitochondrial dehydrogenases of immunocompetent cells (lymphocytes) in pregnant women of the Amur region in the form of oxidation-reduction reactions imbalance were revealed, which as a whole can badly influence the course of pregnancy and its outcome.
pregnancy, thyroid, thyroid hormones, iodine, enzymes of lymphocytes, lipids.
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