employee from 01.10.2008 until now
Russian Federation
Many of the Department are filled with non-professionals in the field of geometry. Moreover: they are headed also by nonprofessionals, i.e. they are professionals completely, in other areas specialists who are professionals in a different direction (defended the graduate school not towards 05.01.01 — Engineering geometry and computer graphics). Descriptive same geometry is the theory of images, even beyond: the science of mapping from one space to another. On the other hand, descriptive geometry is the basis of geometric design. This science in Russia continues times it may develop, although not as fast as before. Opposition of descriptive geometry and computer graphics should be considered a fatal mistake — they have not to antithetic, but to develop parallel to each other. Descriptive geometry is so to say the last Bastion in the geometrical education specialists, so it should not be disposed as educational discipline and vice versa-give it new life. The confrontation between the defenders of descriptive geometry and its opponents is the confrontation between those who wish to prepare creative young people and those who may be unconsciously, intends to prepare pure consumers. Gaspar Monge wrote your textbook is not for draftsmen. His famous textbook was sent for training artists, and Monge has repeatedly appealed to him from the pages of the book. He suggested that developed the course in descriptive geometry, not as a set of interesting geometric problems, and as a solution to a specific applied problems inherent in industry and construction, and art, and the military. Log that we´ve created, that´s why is called "Geometry and graphics", because the geometry of the primary and secondary graphics. Descriptive geometry geometric model into graphic we can observe on the display screen. The question is that, say, descriptive geometry as a science has exhausted itself, and therefore it is not necessary to teach, very dangerous from the point of view of pedagogy, because the end result will necessarily lead to degradation and primitivization learning and to release uneducated staff. The juxtaposition of descriptive geometry and computer graphics should be considered a strategic mistake. These two subjects (just as an academic discipline) should not be opposed, and to develop parallel to each other, to complement each other.
descriptive geometry, higher education, geometricgraphic education.
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