Orenburg, Orenburg, Russian Federation
Orenburg, Orenburg, Russian Federation
The purpose of research is improving physiological and biochemical status and productive qualities of broiler chickens by including basic diet lactoamilovorin and potassium iodide. For experimental studies experimental and control groups formed randomly on the 35 day-old chicks, which were grown in Techa-of 42 days at the cellular content. It was found that the number of red blood cells in the blood of studied groups broiler chickens in the whole investigated period increased. leukocyte concentration was lower in broilers of the experimental group by 2.6%, compared to the control. The hemoglobin content increased in those chenie the entire period of study in a group of birds fed the probiotic and potassium iodide. Statistically significant differences in hematological parameters relative to those of the control group of birds observed in the integrated use of iodine preparations and probiotics in the period from 14 th to 42 th day. At 14, 21, 35 and 42 day old chicks advantage over the control treatment groups on the hemoglobin content amounted to 14.03, respectively; 10.40; 9.79 and 12.28%.Analyzing the morphological indicators of blood of experimental groups, it should be noted that they were within the physiological norm. The maximum effect is the physiological norm was observed in broiler chickens III experimental group, which in addition to the basic diet fed potassium iodide and lactoamilovorin.
broiler chickens, probiotic, lactoamilovorin, potassium iodide
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2. Ishimov, V. A., Ovchinnikov L. Y. The Impact of probiotic preparations on the productivity of broiler chickens / V. A. Ishimov, L. Y. Ovchinnikov // Feeding of agricultural belly-tions and forage production. – 2013. – №1. – P. 58-64.
3. Kolesnikova, I. A. The Influence of drugs yodsoderzhaschih lactamase the North and on protein metabolism in broiler chickens // Bulletin Orenburg SAU. – 2014. – №2 (46). – P. 196-198
4. Nikulin, V. N. Selenium and iodine drugs in combination with a probiotic for the prevention of disease in broiler chickens / V. N. Nikulin, V. V. Gerasimenko, T. V. Kotkova [et al.] // Veterinary medicine. – 2012. – №12. – P. 47-49.
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6. Nikulin, V. N. Indicators of protein metabolism in broiler chickens in case of complex application of probiotic lactoamilovorin and potassium iodide / V. N. Nikulin, I. A. Kolesnikova // Bulletin Orenburg SU. – 2011. – №15 (134). – P. 98-100.
7. Nikulin, V. N. Integrated Efficiency of use of iodide of potassium and lactoamilovorin for growing s-plat-broilers / V. N. Nikulin, T. V. Kotkova, I. A. Kolesnikova // Bulletin Orenburg SAU. – 2014. – №1 (45). – P. 168-171.