Samara, Russian Federation
Samara, Russian Federation
The aim of the work is to improve the effectiveness of treatment of cows with chronic endometritis using homeopathic Mastometrin drug. In this work given economic evaluation of the treatment of chronic purulent-catarrhal endometritis in cows using Mactometpin drug in a comparative perspective with the treatment regimen adopted in the economy. The material for the research were the cows of black-motley breed of dairy complex SEC Kuibyshev district Kinel Samara region. Before the start of the experimental work was performed obstetric clinical examination of the animals are not pregnant. Among the cows with chronic purulent-catarrhal endometritis it was formed on the basis of approximate analogs of two groups of cows (control, experimental) on 10 goals each. In the control group of cows treatment of chronic endometritis was performed under the scheme adopted in the farm. The animals of the experimental group were treated with the drug Mastometrin. To determine the cost-effectiveness of Mastometrin drug in the treatment of chronic endometritis, the duration of the analysis of the treatment was carried out in cows; treatment costs compared with the treatment regimen used in the farm. Based on what has been defined income per head. Research evidence that the use of the drug Mastometrin reduces the waning of clinical signs of chronic endometritis and recovery time than with the scheme of treatment used in the farm. Shown Mastometrin economic efficiency of the drug, whereby the drug Mastometrin proposed to use a dose of 5 ml intramuscularly at intervals of 12 hours daily for 7-14 days.
endometriosis, treatment, cow, homeopathy
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