Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The purpose of research is assessment of thermoplastic extrusion influence with Ternova-quannum effect on chemical composition and functional and technological properties of pumpkin seeds, processed together with the shell. Raw crude from shell pumpkin seeds were processed within 10-15 s at a temperature of 130-1400С using a single screw press extruder KMZ-2U, equipped with a vacuum chamber, contributing to the implementation of the new technological possibilities of extrusion processing of vegetable raw materials. Determination of the mass share of moisture, fat, crude fiber and ash was performed using standard techniques. The substance total nitrogen was determined by Kjeldahl method and then converted to crude protein. Water and fat absorption of flour made from extruded pumpkin seeds with shell was determined on the basis of generally accepted methods. The results are presented as the mean value of three repeated measurements. The chemical composition of the extruded pumpkin seeds with shell (mass fraction of moisture, crude protein, lipid, ash and crude fiber) and wheat flour used for production of bakery and flour confectionery products. The results obtained indicate a high content in the extrudate pumpkin seeds with the shell of protein, dietary fiber, palingenesy whelping fatty acids, as well as a wide range of minerals that characterizes the resulting product as an effective Supplement for development of the technology of bakery and flour confectionery products of functional purpose. In addition, high water and fat absorption of the extrudate pumpkin seeds with the shell will generate the given structure, nutritional value, taste indicators and losses in the development of such products.

extruded, seeds, gourd, composition, functional and technological, properties

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