Samara, Russian Federation
The purpose of the research is the improvement of the zonal system for the protection of cereal crops in conditions of forest-steppe of Samara region. Distinctive features of bugs of various morphotypes were drawing of a scutellum and its coloring. At an imago of corn bugs five morphotypes with pronounced signs were allocated, from them individuals of morphotypes 1-3 dominated, individuals of morphotypes 4-5 met seldom in single copies. Also individuals met indistinct signs. The ratio of individuals of various morphotypes of corn bugs in crops of grain crops varied during vegetation and by years. In population of a sunn pest individuals of a morphotype 1 prevailed, 34-80% of the considered individuals fell to their share. The considerable share was made also by individuals of morphotypes 2 and 3, 10-44% and 10-34% respectively, the share of bugs of a morphotype 4 made 0-1%, of a morphotype 5 – 0-2% of the considered individuals. In population of a hottentot bug 34-86% of the considered individuals fell to the share of bugs of a morphotype 1, of a morphotype 2 – 7-44%, of a morphotype 3 – 7-23%. The share of bugs of a morphotype 4 made 0-1%, a morphotype of 5 – 0-3% of the considered individuals. For 2002-2004 researches the share of individuals of a morphotype 1 averaged 51.0% in population of a sunn pest and 53.0% in population of a hottentot bug, the share of individuals of a morphotype 2 made 24.7% and 28.2%, the share of individuals of a morphotype 3 made 22.7% and 17.8% respectively. The share of bugs of a morphotype 4 made 0.4% and 0.2% in population sunn pest and in population hottentot bug, a morphotype of 5 – 1.2% and 0.8% of the considered individuals respectively. Reliable differences on the mass of an imago of bugs and morphometric parameters of a body at males and females of sunn pest and hottentot bug of the dominating morphotypes aren´t revealed.
corn bugs, population, morphotype, variability, phytophage
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