Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The problems of methodical improvement in the application of shaft sensors for the systems of vibration control, monitoring and automatic diagnostics of a technical state of power plants are considered. The assessment of a current standard basis for vibratory control systems is given and its imperfection for the assessment of the technical state of rotors and turboset bearings is shown. The criteria for vibration reliability of rotors and bearings of turbosets with their rotors supported by slider bearings are offered. The criteria for the evaluation of a technical state and vibration reliability of rotors under operation conditions take into account the application of a complete system of shaft sensors in accordance with RSS 55263-2012. The criteria formulated are necessary for the as-sessment of a technical state in modern systems of automatic diagnostics. In addition to conventional vibration parameters (according to RSS 55263-2012 and RSS 55265.2-2012) there are offered in addition about two tens of parameters. Besides there are offered boundary values of these parameters exceeding ones reduces a vibration reliability and general reliability of shafting. The criteria are obtained on the basis of experimental and rated works by the authors for turbosets of 60-1200MWt TES and APP. The concept for the improvement of the systems of monitoring and automatic diagnostics for electric power installations with the use of shaft sensors is offered. The examples of modeling a number of defects at starting and stationary work are shown.

monitoring systems, automated diagnostics, shaft sensors, turboset, shafting, slider bearings, defects, rotors, misalignment on half-couplings, correcting centering
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