Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian University of Transport (Department of Technology of Transport Engineering and Repair of Rolling Stock, Professor)
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of the work was the study of error appearance in cylindrical surfaces at prototyping. To achieve the purposed specified there were developed sketches of parts of “cylinder” type. On the basis of the sketches there were created 3D computer models in the CAD medium. Cylinder growth took place at an angle of 90° to a basic surface of a working platform with a pitch of a platform z=50 mkm at the thickness of a layer hc=0.005 mkm. Among basic requirements made for cylinders under investigations consist in circularity and cylindrical shape and also surface layer quality according to an arithmetic mean of Ra. Parts were typed according to the technology of quick prototyping (Rapid Prototyping - RP) – Direct Light Projection – DLP of hightemperature resin. To obtain data calculated there was used a simulator of A.I. Grabchenko which underwent some changes and was used for the technology of DLP rapid prototyping. For more accurate and deep investigations a coordinate measuring Metris LKV machine for the elevation of a surface layer quality was used. It is evident from the results presented that at empirical investigations of a cylindrical surface grown according to the technology of DLP rapid prototyping and at the computation of shaping error the results convergence makes 96.6.3%.
prototyping, DLP, photopolymer, error, shaping
1. Zlenko, М.А. Additive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering / М.А. Zlenko, А.А. Popovich, I.N. Mutylina – S-Pb., 2013.- pp. 221.
2. Grabchenko, А. I. Integrated Generative Technologies: textbook / А. I. Grabchenko, Yu.N. Vnukov, V.L. Dobroskok; edited by А. I. Grabchenko. – Kharkov: NTU “KhPI”, 2011. – pp. 416.