Now in the world a problem of reliable information retrieval in the Internet network is especially critical. It is defined by increased data capacity and by the absence of control over data placement. It is offered to determine information reliability by methods of fuzzy logic at the correct formation of retrieval request. For the estimate of completeness, truth and integrity of data obtained it is offered to rely upon the analysis of information from other pages of a site found. In accordance with this the notions of topical closeness of site pages and reliability of information presented in the remaining sections. To organize an output are compiled the rules for the integral reliability output of a site page. For example, if information on a page does not coincide with analyzed one and is reliable then one can suppose that related information is reliable. Further, with the use of Mam-dani controller is carried out a defuzzification. A technology for a retrieval request organization is offered to increase an information content retrieval. The technologies offered for retrieval and analysis of information allow increasing effectiveness and a retrieval rate of reliable, integrated and true information in the Internet network.
: retrieval in the Internet network, information reliability, searching tools, fuzzy logic, site integral reliability.
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