The purpose of researches was an analysis of a motivational mechanism as an element of quality management in a technological process by means of the influence upon human element. To achieve a purpose set there were solved the following problems: - the analysis of basic factors defining techno-logical process quality was carried out (taking into ac-count human element influence upon a production process); - the influence of a motivational mechanism upon quality of a production process of vibromechanical treatment of parts. On the basis of work results there were offered additional professional competences of a processing engineer and an operator of metal-working machinery. The model of a compensating simulation of the mechanism for workers motivation is developed and a formula for its definition is offered. Key words: quality management, technological process, human element, motivational mechanism, vibromechanical treatment, compensating simulation.
quality management, technological process, human element, motivational mechanism, vibro-mechanical treatment, compensating simulation.
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