Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This paper presents data on the physical and mathematical calculation of neutron-absorbing properties of composite materials based on polystyrene and titanium hydride. The calculation was carried out on the basis of elemental chemical composition for composite material with optimal composition. The paper presents method of calculation of the coefficient of attenuation of the neutron beam when passing through the surface of the composite material. The estimation of the basic characteristics of radiation protection during the passage of radiation in the material (weakening of the flux density of neutrons (0,1<E<5 MeV), attenuation of dose rate of neutron radiation). The dependence of the attenuation coefficient of neutron flux in the investigated composite material at the neutron energy of 0.1 MeV<E<5 MeV. At these energies, the neutrons are called fast and their contribution to the total cross section of interaction of neutrons with nuclei contribute to the process of potential elastic scattering and inelastic scattering. It is seen that when the neutron energy in the interval (0,1<E<5 MeV) the contribution of the hydrogen atoms in the attenuation coefficient of the neutron flux is greatest. In this paper we show high radiation resistance of the composite to neutron radiation.
neutron emission, composite material, the attenuation coefficient of the neutron flux
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