Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In work structural and phase transformations in two-component iron oxidic systems at high-temperature influence are considered, on the example of trivalent oxide of iron and oxides of calcium and silicon, by the being one of the main components of cement binding. Taking into account structure of a radiation protective composite ratios of Fe2O3:CaO =1:4 and Fe2O3 are considered: SiO2=1:8. Structural and phase transformations into Fe2O3 in a wide temperature interval promoted an intensification of interaction of the firm phases Fe2O3 with components of composite mix: influence of calcite on structure of Fe2O3 was shown at 700 °C, it led to formation of monocalcic ferrite which in process of enrichment of the CaO system (80-–960 °C) passed into two-calcic ferrite. Ions of calcium promoted stabilization [Fe+3O4] - a coordination form in the range of 50 –1000 °C, the structure of the formed ferrite was non-uniform; in the Fe2O3-SiO2 system there was a formation of solid solution of introduction of hematite in silicon dioxide in a wide temperature interval (900–1300 °C). To 1300 °C in this system chemical connections aren´t revealed.

iron oxides, hematite, two-component systems, calcium oxide, silicon oxide, thermal influence, structural and phase transformations

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