Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the present article the topical issues of the development of domestic production for import substitution in the construction industry in the region. Import substitution - the economic policy of the state in which the demand of the domestic market is provided by the manufacturer, leading activities in the country, at the same time it is the most important component of the security of the state in the economy. In the investigation to resolve a number of problems, namely the review of the impact promoted sanctions policy in the field of building materials and regional analysis to identify problematic products for import substitution. The object of the study was the sphere of regional development; subject of investigation - the trends and factors of import substitution policies in the aforementioned sectors. The result of the research - ways to solve the issue of import of construction materials in the region, their perspective and the implementation conditions.

import substitution, state, industrial policy, economic policy, export support, reindustrialization

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