Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Theoretical and methodological issues of motivation and stimulation of labor activity are discussed, including such concepts, as «motive», «incentive», «motivation » and «stimulation». The essence of interrelating and interconditioning processes of motivation and stimulation is defined along with their constituent elements. In-depth meaning of motivational core as a system of incentives and motives, driving labor activity at a given stage of the organizational life, is revealed. Motivational core, as a cohesion of interrelated incentives and motives, is characterized by the following features: several motives, affecting simultaneously the worker; different incentives corresponding to different kinds of resources being at the disposal of management system; consistent robust cause and effect relationship between motives and incentives; motivational core steadiness; can be modernized based on motives and incentives priority changes; ability to autonomous settlement of differences among motives and between incentives and motives. Major drivers of motivational core creation are discussed. The need for personnel motivational core is reasoned and key ways of motivational core managing are highlighted. Motivational core managing helps to lay down priorities and to range incentives in terms of their effect on motives. In the process certain motives are enhanced and others are weakened. Factors of motivation and stimulation effectiveness and of motivational core efficiency are characterized.

methodology, motive, incentive, labor activity, motivation and stimulation, personnel motivational core, motivational core characteristics, motivational core management, motivational core effectiveness.


Nowadays companies and entities, having learnt to operate in the market conditions, have not finalized their systems of motivation and labour incentives.

Motivation and labour incentives should be considered as a system of two equivalent subsystems: motivation and incentives, closely interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. Each of these subsystems consists of elements. Motivation and incentives present a unity of two different processes, interaction of which creates the conditions required for workflows and obtaining deliverables. Within such an interpretation it is unacceptable to overestimate the role of one process and underestimate the other, not to mention exclude anу of them.

The concept of motivation and labour incentives

As professional literature contains different outlooks on the meaning of the terms «incentive», «stimulation», «motive», «motivation», their interconnection, interaction and the result of this interaction, let us consider this issue in detail.

The notion of incentive includes all financial, moral and psychological values (salary, bonuses, grants, participation in management, career planning, acknowledgements, awards, privileges, benefits, status etc.) available within the system of organization management and relevant for the personnel.

Provision of incentives covers the process of management influence which is external for the personnel, initiated by a certain manager or managerial body and based primarily on the subjective understanding of this impact by the management system, aimed at motives of employees. Incentives are provided by the administration of the organization.


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