Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In article problem about encrease of labour productivity, theoretical bases of researches in the field of a labor productivity is considered, the reasons of low labour productivity and a way of its increase are determined, the importance of this problem for modern economic development of the country is emphasized. As the reasons of low labour productivity obsolete capacities, insufficient qualification of personnel, low level of job management, a weak development of the institutional environment are specified. Instruments of impact on a labor productivity are determined: subsidizing of programs of encrease labour productivity; support to the organizations and institutional mechanisms connected with encrease of labour productivity. It is focused on institutional factors of a gain in productivity of work: state, labor unions, ethical standards. As today the extensive factors of economic growth of the Russian economy connected with commissioning of idle capacities and attraction of additional labor power have sputtered out, for the problem resolution of a gain in productivity of work the institutes creating conditions under which only high productivity social labor, but not control over resources and not administrative levers can be the cause of economic development are necessary.

labor productivity, production efficiency, direct and indirect sources of a gain in labor productivity, institutional factors of a gain in labor productivity, ethical relation to business, ethical policy of firm.

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