Existing production of turbine blades is arranged on the principle “one machine – one part – one product”. This concept does not meet the requirements of today to ensure the required “price – quality” ratio of the product. The only solution to improve the efficient production to process turbine blades on the base of multifunctional machining centers allows increasing efficiency of turbine blade manufacture, and provides advantages to manufacturers of GTE on the gas turbine markets. Automated production of the turbine blades developed by NPO “Saturn” has greatly enhanced the quality of GTE blade wheel manufacture and reduced the cost of their production.
turbine blades, automated techniques, automation principles, automated production efficiency.
1. Poletaev V.A., Tsvetkov E.V. Improvement of auto-mated grinding processes of GTE blades // Science intensive technologies in mechanical engineering. ‒ 2013. ‒№4(22). ‒ рр. 34-37.
2. Makarov V.F., Nikitin S.P., Norin A.O. Quality and productivity increase at profile creep feed grinding of turbine blades // Science intensive technologies in mechanical engineering. ‒ 2016. ‒ №5(59). ‒ рр. 17‒ 23.