Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
graduate student
Belgorod, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
A special place among modern materials occupy dry mixes, they have undeniable advantages and high performance, both technically and economically, depends on them architectural expressiveness and urban planning aesthetics, creating comfortable living conditions, the rational use of energy resources and more more. Russia´s accession to the World Trade Company is divergent views and serious concerns among professionals of the construction sector of the country. Joining the building complex of the Russian accession to the WTO will certainly affect the development of innovative processes in the industry application of modern technologies and materials. Considering the trend of development of the production of dry building mixtures can distinguish two main factors hindering development and accelerating their production. Production of dry building mixes in Russia in the near future has favorable prospects as the increasing volume of construction determines the increase in demand for CAS, while an important factor in increasing the capacity of the market is the replacement of competitive domestic products imported counterparts.
the trend of development, the production of dry building mixes, construc-tive market factors for the production of dry building mixes, energy-effi-Saver.
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15. Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Chulkova I.L. Zakon srodstva struktur v materialovedenii. Fundamental´nye issledovaniya. 2014. № 3. Ch. 2. S.267–271.
16. Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Belikov D.A., Shchekina A.Yu., Kuprina A.A. Effektivnye sukhie smesi dlya remontnykh i vosstanovitel´nykh rabot. Stroitel´nye materialy. 2014. №7. S. 82–85.
17. Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Lesovik V.S., Shamshurov A.V., Belikov D.A. Kompozitsionnye vyazhushchie na osnove organo-mineral´nogo modifikatora dlya sukhikh remontnykh smesey// Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. Shukhova. 2014. № 5. S. 25–31.
18. Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Lesovik V.S., Belikov D.A. K probleme proektirovaniya sukhikh remontnykh smesey s uchetom srodstva struktur . Vestnik Tsentral´nogo regional´nogo otdeleniya RAASN, Vypusk 18. Moskva. 2014. S. 112–119.
19. Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Lesovik V.S., Gaynutdinov R. Spetsifika tverdeniya stroitel´nykh rastvorov na osnove sukhikh smesey. Vestnik Tsentral´nogo regional´nogo otdeleniya RAASN.2014. S. 93–98.
20. Lesovik V.S., Zagorodnuk L.H., Tolma-cheva M.M., Smolikov A.A., Shekina A.Y., Shakarna M.H.I. Structure-formation of contact layers of composite materials. Life Science Journal. 2014. 11(12s). S. 948–953.
21. Kuprina A.A., Lesovik V. S., Zagorodnyk L.H., Elistratkin M. Y. Anisotropy of Materials Properties of Natural and Man-Triggered Origin. Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2014. № 9. S 816–819.
22. Lesovik V.S., Chulkova I.L., Zagordnyuk L. Kh., Volodchenko A A., Popov D.Y. The Role of the Law of Affinity Structures in the Construction Material Science by Performance of the Restoration Works. Research Journal of Applied Sciences. 2014. № 9. S. 1100–1105.
23. Zagorodnyuk L.Kh., Lesovik V.S., Chulkova I.L. Prakticheskaya realizatsiya zakona srodstva struktur pri restavratsii istoricheskikh ob´´ektov. Naukoemkie tekhnologii i innovatsii: Sb. dokl. Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-praktich. konferentsii, posvyashchennaya 60-letiyu BGTU im. V.G. Shukhova, 2014. Ch.3. S. 242–246.