The article draws attention to the importance of the development of the Customs Union in the conditions of formation of integration associations of the EAEC; describes the main areas of customs cooperation, possible areas of mutually advantageous foreign economic cooperation in the format of the EAEC; draws attention to the key role of customs authorities ensuring national economic security; it is concluded that the level of integration in the Eurasian platform in the field of customs depends on the quality, effectiveness of modernization and improvement of customs administration, as well as of regulation of foreign trade activities, reduction of administrative barriers and reduction of time of customs operations, and ensuring the balance of economic interests of the States – participants of the EAEC; and substantiates proposals on increase of efficiency of integration of the countries and the role of the customs services of the EAEC.
EAEC, integration processes, customs cooperation, foreign economic policy, intergovernmental overcoming of administrative barriers
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