We have reviewed some of the mathematical methods used in modern sociology.
mathematisation of sociology, mathematical statistics, decision making theory, mathematical modeling, statistical data processing, data approximation.
1. Making decisions in the conditions of risk. - Access mode: http://studme.org/1908031212701/menedzhment/vyrabotka_resheniya_usloviyah_riska.
2. Nasledov, A.D. Mathematical methods of psychological research. Analysis and interpretation of data: Manual / A.D. Nasledov. - SPb.: Speech, 2004. – pp. 49-51.
3. Nogin, V.D. Decision making in case of many criteria: Manual / V. D. Nogin. - SPb.: YuTAS, 2007. –104 p.
4. Bases of the theory of decision making. – Access mode: http://b-i.narod.ru/sys.htm.
5. Applied indistinct systems: [transl. from Japanese.] / K. Asai, D. Vatada, S. Ivai [etc.].; under the editorship of T. Terano, K. Asai, M. Sugeno. - M.: World, 1993. –368 p.
6. Saati, T. Decision making. Technique for analysing hierarchies/T. Saati. - M.: Radio and communication, 1993. –278 p.
7. Trubnikov, S. V. Computational mathematics: Manual / S. V. Trubnikov, B. V. Poroshin. - Bryansk: BSTU, 2005. –396 p.