Russian Federation
This paper presents data on the development of polymer composite materials based on thermoplastic elastomers. As starting materials for the synthesis of the matrix components were selected as follows: isotactic polypropylene and ternary ethylene-propylene-diene elastomer (EPDM). Diene component in EPDM are ethylidene norbornene composition in an amount of 4-5%. Dynamic vulcanization was carried out using the elastomer element sulfur. The filler polymer composite materials used silica gel with dimethyl polysiloxane. Synthesis was carried out by filling the sol-gel technology. The filler content in the composite varied from 10 to 80% by weight. Mixing of filler and the matrix was performed in a laboratory twin-rotor mixer, type "Brabender". It is found that the maximum possible filler content of the matrix used was 80%. With the introduction of more filler mixing of the components it has been difficult. When the filler content from 10 to 70% of parameters such as tensile strength, flexural strength and modulus of longitudinal elasticity increasing and administered at higher filler and 80 wt%. markedly reduced. Thus, it can be concluded that the content of filler in the composite is 70%. Further research should be directed to the evaluation of the radiation resistance of the developed composite materials.
the polymer composite, thermoplastic elastomers, hot pressing method
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