Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
An algorithm of the reinforced binding elements calculation with allowance for the physical strain of concrete and reinforcement has been suggested. The three linear diagram of the concrete condition and the two linear of the tensile reinforcement that correspond to the recommended norms in Russia have been used. The task has been solved by the method of linear approximation. The finite difference method has been used at each approximation that allows to define the beam rigidity individually for each dot j =1,2 , dotted on the beam with some small spacing. A method of determining the deflection curve bending, the bending moment, the rigidity as well as the compression areas of the reinforcement suitable for any deformation of the concrete most tensile fabric from 0 to limiting value ε_b2 has been suggested. A solution for the continuous three-span beam has also been introduced.

strain nonlinearity, strain and displacement, diagram of concrete and reinforcement condition, rigidity and bending of the deflection axis flexible member, deformation of the most tensile concrete fabric of the compression area, the height of the elastic, elastic-plastic and plastic areas

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