Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development of science as a social institution, as well as its interaction with diplomacy, now spawned a number of “hybrid” forms of promoting the unification of the capacity of each of these areas to address specific social and political problems of contemporary culture. Against the background clotting own potential natural science research programs in a number of countries who spoke first among the leaders of the world of science (especially physics) especially interesting are dynamics of the changing role of the scientist in the paradigm of post-nonclassical science. Italy from this point of view is a unique platform where the tradition of classical education, the political process and the modern European strategy received a particular orientation towards the sphere of application of this bias potential in the communications area. And, above all, scientific communication (including, in particular, diplomatic communications). Using biographical method based on the publicly available reference information helps to change perspectives in the analysis of the formation of philosophical and cultural foundations of such type of science diplomacy as “diplomacy of scientists”. The fate of prominent scientists (such as Bruno Pontecorvo) and less well-known figures in science, has been included in the activities of international organizations, there are no less revealing than the fate of those who did not rise to the top of science, becoming invisible “cog” in the wheel of history. Science diplomacy thus can be considered at least in two aspects. On the one hand, as “science for diplomacy” — in terms of general cultural potential of science education and scientific activity itself, deducing scientists to the level of diplomatic work. On the other — as a public diplomacy in the framework of “cultural diplomacy” does not lead to a certain status and rank, but enables to solve issues within the scientific community, is an important group communicator in international relations. The questions are appropriate to consider in the light of the idea of the creative potential of science education, the prospects of its impact on the productivity of thinking in the application of social and cultural practices based, inter alia, on the communicative competence. But even more important is the approach exposing the fundamental importance of education of any type for the formation of a mature personality, capable to realize itself in the solution of various problems with weighty social significance.

“hybrid” forms of scientific communication, philosophical and cultural studies of science diplomacy, scientists-”communicators” intellectual creativity, socio-cultural potential of fundamental education, economics of science, Italian physics.

Коммуникативный потенциал научной дипломатии — один из самых перспективных на сегодняшний день. При этом сама научная дипломатия, как известно, может быть рассмотрена в нескольких аспектах.


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