In work researches of mechanisms of radiation oxidation of polymeric composites on the basis of the lead of polystyrene (PS-SS) and polyethylene (PE-SS) filled silikanaty are conducted. In case of gamma irradiation of the filled polymeric composite to growth of an integrated dose there is an increase both concentration of radicals, and content of products of destruction. Depending on an integrated dose and type a polymeric composite also nature of accumulating of radicals changes. So for PS-SS to D = 600 кГр the alkil of R-radical to peroxide of RO2-constitutes the share relation R-/RO2-=2,50 whereas in case of an identical dose increases in PE-SS for RO2 radical (R/RO2=0,83). In case of the maximum concentration of radicals in a reaktoplasts the relation of R/RO2-even more decreases - to 0,67. It is established that in case of rather high values of capacity of a dose extreme value (at most) on dose dependence of change of concentration of macroradicals (R-and RO2-) in the researched composites won´t be shown. The nature of the arising macroradicals like R-and RO2-is closely connected as with kinetics of radical reactions in case of -radiation, and structural and mechanical, diffusive characteristics and type of a polymeric composite.
polymeric composite, silikanat lead, polystyrene, polyethylene, gamma irradiation.
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