Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In operation physics and technology properties of ground fraction of hydride of titanium, for the purpose of creation, on its basis, radiation resistant material in the conditions of the long radiation and thermal loadings are probed. As the initial material the fraction of hydride of titanium with the content of hydrogen up to 3,35% of masses was used., crushed to dispersibility of 10,7-6,6 microns. Thermogravimetric researches set oxidation of hydride of titanium in the course of heating with formation of rutile that leads to lowering of radiation protective properties of material. For saving radiation protective properties, molding of powdery hydride of titanium to monolithic material in case of different unit pressures is carried out. The optimum technological modes of molding of material are set and the structure of a surface of the received samples is probed. Material is recommended for receiving radiation and thermally resistant aggregate on the basis of the heavy flints filled with hydride of titanium which will be the additional binding agent allowing to provide to a ready aggregate firmness both to neutron and to a gamma to radiation.

hydride of titanium, fraction, dispersion, structure, properties, radiation firmness, thermal firmness.

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