Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The technique of developing empirical models wear resistance of carbide inserts for turning of different brands of corrosion-resistant heat-resistant steel 08X18H10T. The experiment was conducted in a production environment using the existing industrial equipment, tooling and tools. As the work piece used Tee - pipeline fittings. A special feature of the experiment was intermittent cutting with impact loads. For the development of models used by the planning of extreme experiments of the second order by rotatable planning. As the study of technological parameters adopted: the supply of cutting tools and cutting speed. The character of wear, the magnitude of the resistance of various grades of carbide inserts with the same process conditions, the effect of the studied set of technological regimes of turning on the wear processes. The developed empirical models enable reasonably assign process parameters to predict the value of the tool life, to carry out optimization of process parameters for a given resistance by the criterion of maximum productivity.

empirical model of wear resistance, tees stamped transition, turning corrosion-resistant heat-resistant steel, resistant carbide tools, optimizing cutting conditions, rototabelnoe experiment planning.

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