Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The process of the use of unmanned drone for aorthophoto. An approach to continuous production, handling and use of materials shooting.The technology of the publication of the data, using WEB-technologies.
heterogeneous spatial objects, unmanned drone, the publication of spatial data, web-server, thematic interpretation of the data.
1. Thematic processing of satellite forest pictures on the basis of structural models: Monograph / A.T. Guryev, R. A. Aleshko, S. V. Torkhov, D. V. Trubin; Northern (Arctic) Federal University – Arkhangelsk: IPTs NAFU, 2013. – 164 p.
2. Guryev, A.T. Information system of monitoring and management of forest resources / A.T. Guryev, R. A. Aleshko, I. S. Vasendina, K. V. Shoshina // Air space methods and geoinformation technologies in forest science and forestry: Reports of the V All-Russian Conf. dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scientists-foresters V. I. Sukhikh and G. N. Korovina (Moscow, April 22-24, 2013). – M.: CEPL RAS, 2013. – pp. 266-270.
3. Monitoring system and management of spatial heterogeneous objects (on the example of the Solovetsky Islands) / R. A. Aleshko, A. Yu. Bekmeshev, I. S. Vasendina, A. T. Guryev, T. V. Karlova, K. V. Shoshina, V. S. Shchenikov // Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University. – 2014. - No. 3 (43). – pp. 104-107.
4. Development of geographic information system on the basis of open-source software / A.T. Guryev, R. A. Aleshko, I. S. Vasendina, K. V. Shoshina, V. S. Shchenikov //Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University. – 2014. - No. 3 (43). – pp. 114-118.
5. Developing methods and algorithms of thematic satellite picture processing on the basis of structural modeling / L.V. Abramova, R. A. Aleshko, N. M. Batrakov, A. T. Guryev, K. V. Shoshina, V. S. Shchenikov // International Student´s Scientific Bulletin / compiler N. E. Starchikova. - Penza: Information and Technical Department of The Russian Academy of Natural History, 2014.
6. Geoportal development as a publication service of cartographical data / L.V. Abramova, R. A. Aleshko, N. M. Batrakov, A. T. Guryev, K. V. Shoshina, V. S. Shchenikov // International Student´s Scientific Bulletin / compiler N. E. Starchikova. - Penza: Information and Technical Department of The Russian Academy of Natural History, 2014.