Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reviews main stages of establishment and development of the Department of Hospital Surgery in different periods. We showed the role of heads and stuff of the department in the development of multipartial complex which aims at the unity of three components – to teach, to treat and to study.The first head of the department and of the clinic of hospital surgery (1921–1931) was N.A.Sinakevich. It was a pe-riod of establishment of the department, its staffing, formation of clinical site and training calendar. V.G.Shipachyov was the head of the department from 1931 to 1952. During the Great Patriotic War, the work of the department was aimed at the needs of war time related to the problems of reconstruction surgery and treatment of traumatic injuries. After the war, the work of the department was dedicated to the problems of hypothyroidism, obliterating endarteritis, gastrointestinal and urgent surgery.In 1953, Z.T.Senchillo-Yaverbaum became the head of the department. The work of the department was dedicated to gastrointestinal and pancreatic surgery, herniology, thyrophymas. Also the department included course of traumatology.In 1972, V.I.Astafiev became the head of the department. In this period, many young hopefuls started to work on the department. Also the research, treatment and educational complex was created on the base of the department, Re-gional Clinical Hospital and Siberian Branch of Academy of Medical Sciences USSR. While keeping the traditions of the department, V.I.Astafiev created new research and practice directions and special referral units – of cardiac, vascular, thoracic, purulent and urgent surgery, operative coloproctology, plastic surgery, diagnostic picture and X-ray surgery. Also the system of individual and collective training of surgical clerk.In 1988–1993 Y.I.Morozov was the head of the department. The new direction of the work was the development of complex treatment of purulent soft tissue involvement in patients with diabetes.From 1993, E.G. Grigoryev is the head of the department of hospital surgery and the Institute of Surgery.

department of hospital surgery, history, hospital surgical clinic, Irkutsk

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